Volunteers are at the heart of the work we do at the Chamber. Without the countless members who donate their time to serve on committees, at events, on focus groups and on the Board of Directors, we could not have the Chamber as we know it today.
Interested in getting involved? Get in touch here.
Board of Directors
Executive Committee
Chair: Heather Ross | Sheehey, Furlong & Behm
Vice Chair: Alex Halpern | Freeman French Freeman, Inc.
President: Cathy Davis | Lake Champlain Chamber
Immediate Past Chair: Dave Lane | Farm Credit East
Past Chair: Ashley Wainer | Ripcord Consulting
Counsel: Chris Leff | Paul, Frank & Collins
Michelle Buswell | M&T Bank
Board Members
Jesse Bridges | United Way of Northwest Vermont
Mimi Buttenheim | Mad River Distillers
Ryan Chaffin | UpState Elevator Supply Company
Erin Evarts | Mercy Connections
Kurt Gruendling | Watisfield and Champlain Valley Telecom
Liz Hunt | Green Mountain Surgery Center
Tinotenda (Tino) Charles Rutanhira | Vermont Professionals of Color Network
Patricia Shirk | 89 North
Ben Traverse | University of Vermont Medical Center
Rick Vincent | University of Vermont Medical Center
Andrew Way | Leonardo’s Pizza
Hans Van Wees | Hotel Vermont
Karen Wisehart | Windjammer Hospitality Group
Brad Worthen | Pomerleau Real Estate